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Enjoy The Beach

And Don't Forget Our Mission Doesn't Take Vacations

Summer months are always lean times for charities. Cherish Our Children International is no exception. Nationally, donations drop to their lowest levels in July and August and in Houston we suspect the drop-off is even higher as the side-walks roll up and people leave for well-deserved vacations.

The need for our services, however, doesn’t stop just because it’s summertime. Take our signature U.S. program, No More Victims, which provides desperately needed help to the children of incarcerated parents and family members. Next month several of our graduates will go into a local prison unit to meet with inmates. In these sessions inmates confront the toll their crimes and incarceration have taken on their families. Having witnessed these prison sessions, I can tell you from personal experience they are tough, emotionally draining experiences.

Additionally, program founder Marilyn Gambrell is engaged year-round with her students, especially since many of them attend summer school. She is also working with program graduates to provide mentoring and activities during the summer months and helping our 47 graduating seniors prepare for college, technical programs or the military. By the start of August, planning will be well underway for the coming school year.

I am telling you all of this to stress the need for you to keep COCI in mind this summer. If you were planning to support our cause, please consider making your donation now. For 25 years, Cherish Our Children International has cared for youths who live on the razor’s edge of survival. We need your help to give vulnerable children a fighting chance.

Here are the ways you can donate:

Donate online

Calll us at (713) 836-9147.

Send a check to Cherish Our Children International, P.O. Box 79457, Houston 77279-9457.

Thank you,

Rob Wisner, Chairman

Cherish Our Children International


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