More than $210,000 was raised for the No More Victims program at COCI’s third annual luncheon.
On Friday, April 5 more than 330 Houstonians filled The Junior League on Friday to support the third annual Cherish Our Children International (COCI) luncheon benefiting the No More Victims Program. Dominique Sachse, the event emcee and an avid supporter of the charity, welcomed guests and acknowledged the sponsors and awarded the honorees. Attendees learned more about the organizations mission through a heartfelt video featuring teenagers of incarcerated parents who have gone through the No More Victims program and how it changed their life.
A panel discussion featuring Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Dr. Chris Greeley, director of the Child Abuse Pediatrics Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, Dr. Khalilah Campbell, principal of Worthing High School, and Marilyn Gambrell, the visionary founder of No More Victims, allowed guests a further look into how the program addresses the physical, emotional, social and academic needs of children experiencing parental incarceration. Chairman Franelle Rogers and Co-Chairmen Caren and Darrell Rosenthal along with Host Committee Chairman, Heidi Rockecharlie, worked tirelessly to sell out the luncheon, which raised more than $210,000 for the No More Victims program.